Auto Bio/Mission Statement

Auto Biography
        Hi my name is Chris and I'm in high school and I like to take pictures. I have always liked taking pictures of animals and nature. I have always been the type of person who felt like nature and picture went really good to together. Even though I cant get a good camera right now, I try my best to do good in this class. And hope to pass.
        This year has been difficult but if I step up my game and work harder on my work I think I will do good. The thing that I have the most trouble on is the drawings. If I had time to do them I would get them done but I have other more important work to do. But I'm pretty  happy that I got them  because when I don't have any thing to do I can just draw but I don't think it should be a grade, it should be extra credit. I think that would be better.
         This year would be a good year for me and a time for me to do more and learn new things. I just need more time to learn it but I'm okay about it. I'm happy that I'm in photography.
Artist Mission Statement
Music has to be the best to in art, like my favorite type of music is rap. All rap and any other types of music are all poem and what are poems, art. Even back then when  music was not even thought of, people were making poems in different ways like long, short, romantic, etc.. Music and art will always be here no matter what and music will always be my favorite out of them all. 

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